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Below is an example of a commented pattern parsing an AVI file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<!-- A pattern section. The pattern name is AVI File . -->
<template name="AVI File">
<!-- A template signature section. Alignment is 1. -->
<signature align="1">
<!-- A 4-byte signature at offset 0x00. -->
<field offset="0x00">52 49 46 46</field> <!-- ANSI: RIFF -->
<!-- A 4-byte signature at offset 0x08. -->
<field offset="0x08">41 56 49 20</field> <!-- ANSI: LIST -->
<!-- A data section. Its name is AVI File . This is the main data section. It is not shown in the parsing tree as a section (its name is ignored). -->
<section name="AVI File">
<!-- The first 4 bytes are read and shown as an ANSI string. -->
<field type="char" size="4" name="Signature: RIFF" var="signature"/>
<!-- The current position is moved to the beginning of the file. -->
<goto offset="-4"/>
<!-- The first 4 bytes in the file are read and shown as an unsigned integer. The internal variable signature gets the value of the field. -->
<field type="uint32" base="hex" name="Signature RIFF as unsigned integer in hex format" var="signature"/>
<!-- A test against the condition ( signature == RIFF ) -->
<if test="signature == 0x46464952"> <!-- ANSI: RIFF -->
<!-- The next 4 bytes are read and shown as an unsigned integer. The internal variable dataSize gets the value of the field. -->
<field type="uint32" name="Size of the data in file" var="dataSize"/>
<!-- A new internal variable endOfFile is created and the expr field evaluates its value.-->
<setvar var="endOfFile" expr="offset + dataSize - 8"/>
<!-- The next 4 bytes is read and shown as an ANSI string. -->
<field type="char" size="4" name="File type"/>
<!-- A new section named DATA is created -->
<section name="DATA">
<!-- A new internal variable chunksOffset is created, the expr filed evaluating its value. This variable gets the absolute value of template offset. -->
<setvar var="chunksOffset" expr="start_position"/>
<!-- A loop is created. Its condition is set in the test field (while the endOfFile variable is greater then the current position.) -->
<repeat test="endOfFile > offset">
<!-- 4 bytes are read and shown as an ANSI string. -->
<field type="char" size="4" name="Signature"/>
<!-- The current position is moved backwards by 4 bytes. -->
<goto offset="-4"/>
<!-- The same 4 bytes are read and shown as an unsigned integer. The internal variable signature gets this value. -->
<field type="uint32" name="Signature as unsigned integer" var="signature"/>
<!-- A test against the condition ( signature == LIST ) -->
<if test="signature == 1414744396"> <!-- ANSI: LIST -->
<!-- The section is shown. Its name is LIST -->
<section name="LIST">
<!-- The current position is moved backward by 4 bytes. -->
<goto offset="-4"/>
<!-- The 4 bytes are read and shown as an unsigned hexadecimal integer. This field has the attributes offset and assigned-template . If the user double-clicks this field, the AVI File LIST pattern will be invoked and the current pattern position will be moved to the address specified in as-offset .-->
<field type="uint32" base="hex" name="Signature LIST as unsigned integer in hex format" as-offset="start_position + offset - 4" assigned-template="AVI File LIST"/>
<!-- The next 4 bytes are read and shown as an unsigned integer. The listSize variable gets its value. -->
<field type="uint32" name="Size of the data in the list" var="listSize"/>
<!-- The 4 bytes are read and shown as an ANSI string. -->
<field type="char" size="4" name="List type"/>
<!-- The current position is moved backward by 4 bytes. -->
<goto offset="-4"/>
<!-- The same 4 bytes are shown as an unsigned hexadecimal integer. The listType variable gets its value.-->
<field type="uint32" base="hex" name="List type as unsigned integer in hex format" var="listType"/>
<!-- A test against condition ( type == movi ) -->
<if test="listType == 0x69766f6d"> <!-- ANSI: movi -->
<!-- The chunksOffset variable gets the value evaluated in the expr attribute. -->
<setvar var="chunksOffset" expr="start_position + offset - 4"/>
<!-- The current position is moved to the address evaluated in the address attribute. -->
<goto address="offset + listSize - 4"/>
<!-- A test against condition ( signature == JUNK ) -->
<if test="signature == 1263424842"> <!-- ANSI: JUNK -->
<!-- The section is shown with the JUNK name. -->
<section name="JUNK">
<!-- The next 4 bytes are read and shown as an unsigned integer. The internal variable junkSize gets its value. -->
<field type="uint32" name="Size of the data of the junk" var="junkSize"/>
<!-- The current position is moved by junkSize bytes forward. -->
<goto offset="junkSize"/>
<!-- A test against condition ( signature == idx1 ) -->
<if test="signature == 829973609"> <!-- ANSI: idx1 -->
<!-- The section is shown with the idx1 name. -->
<section name="idx1">
<!-- The next 4 bytes are read and shown as an unsigned integer. The internal variable idxSize gets its value. -->
<field type="uint32" name="Size of the data of the idx1" var="idxSize"/>
<!-- The section is shown with the First AVIINDEXENTRY name. -->
<section name="First AVIINDEXENTRY">
<!-- The 4 bytes are read and shown as an ANSI string. -->
<field type="char" size="4" name="Chunck id"/>
<!-- The next 4 bytes are read and shown as an unsigned hexadecimal integer. -->
<field type="uint32" base="hex" name="Flags"/>
<!-- The next 4 bytes are read ans shown as an unsigned hexadecimal integer. The offset attribute is evaluated for this field as a sum of the chunksOffset variable and valued of this field. -->
<field type="uint32" base="hex" name="Chunk offset" as-offset="chunksOffset + this"/>
<!-- The next 4 bytes are read and shown as an unsigned integer. -->
<field type="uint32" name="Chunk size"/>
<!-- The current position is moved by idxSiz bytes forward. -->
<goto offset="idxSize"/>
<!-- A test against the condition. && is a logical AND ( && ) -->
<if test="signature != 1414744396 && signature != 1263424842 && signature != 829973609">
<!-- An empty section is shown. Its name is Unknown signature found -->
<section name="Unknown signature found">
<!-- The current position is moved to the address set in the endOfFile variable. -->
<goto address="endOfFile"/>