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  • R-Studio for Mac install/uninstall/register

1. Double-click the downloaded installation file.

2. Move R-Studio.app to the Applications folder
R-Studio for Mac install process
Click image to enlarge

3. Go to Applications in Finder and double-click R-Studio.app to start the program.
Start R-Studio for Mac
Click image to enlarge

High Sierra and Higher

When you start R-Studio for the first time on macOS High Sierra and higher, a System Extension Blocked warning message will appear.
System Extension Blocked warning message
Click image to enlarge

At the same time R-Studio will throw its own message:
R-Studio warning message
Click image to enlarge

If you need access to your system disk, click the Open Security Preferences button on any of the messages, go to the Security and Privacy preferences, and click the Allow button.
Security and Privacy preferences
Click image to enlarge

R-Studio will start with full access to your system disk. You need to follow this procedure only once, next time R-Studio start without this message.

If you don't want to unblock R-Studio, click the Exit button on the R-Studio's message. R-Studio will start and work properly, but without access to the system disk and when you start R-Studio next time, its message will appear again. You will be able to unblock the program if needed.


1. Go to Applications in Finder, control-click R-Studio.app, and select Move to Trash.
Move R-Studio for Mac to trash in Finder
Click image to enlarge


1. Upon receiving the email with the Registration key, open the attachment, then select and copy the key.

2. Click the R-Studio menu, select About R-Studio, then select Register.

3. Enter your registration information and then paste the Registration key. Do not try to type it manually.
Registration dialog box
Click image to enlarge

4. Click the OK button.